Speak With an AI Orchestration Expert
Speak with one of our experts to see how Pandio’s cloud-native managed solution simplifies your data pipelines to harness the power of AI

Gideon Rubin CEO, Pandio
Expert in solving data problems to help drive growth and new product development.

Josh Odmark CTO, Pandio
Full Stack Engineer with an expertise in building complex distributed messaging AI initiatives
“Twice the throughput at half the price of Kafka. At the same time, PandioML enables an end-to-end pipeline for rapidly deploying ML models into production.”
“Apache Pulsar’s architectural design and specifically it’s separation of storage and compute, delivers significantly higher throughput at less than half the price of any other distributed messaging solution in the market today. Not only am I building an infrastructure that can support AI & ML workloads, but I’m driving down my OpEx costs at the same time”
Ron Donaire
CEO at Intuizi

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