
How Enterprises in the US Financial Services Industry are Using Apache Pulsar to Improve Business Outcomes

Apache Pulsar is a popular choice for financial services companies that need to process large amounts of data in real time. It can be used for a variety of use cases, including streaming analytics, event streaming, and messaging.

How Pulsar is Used in Financial Services

  • Streaming analytics: Pulsar can be used to stream data from a variety of sources, such as stock tickers, market data, and customer transactions. This data can then be analyzed in real time to gain insights into market trends, identify potential risks, and prevent fraud.
  • Event streaming: Pulsar can be used to stream events, such as trades, market events, and customer account changes. This data can then be used to build event-driven applications that can respond to market changes in real time.
  • Messaging: Pulsar can be used as a messaging platform for applications that need to communicate with each other in real time. This can be used for a variety of purposes, such as order routing, risk management, and compliance.

Pulsar’s Benefits for Financial Services

Pulsar offers a number of benefits for financial services companies, including:

  • Scalability: Pulsar is highly scalable and can be used to process large amounts of data in real time.
  • Reliability: Pulsar is highly reliable and can withstand even the most demanding workloads.
  • Open source: Pulsar is open source and can be used for free.
  • Active community: Pulsar has a large and active community that provides support and resources.

How Enterprises in the US Financial Services Industry are Using Pulsar

Some of the largest enterprises in the US financial services industry that are using Pulsar include:

  • BlackRock: BlackRock is a global investment management company with over $10 trillion in assets under management. BlackRock is using Pulsar to:
    • Process real-time market data to make better investment decisions. For example, BlackRock uses Pulsar to process stock prices and trading volumes to identify potential investment opportunities.
    • Build event-driven applications to respond to market changes in real time. For example, BlackRock uses Pulsar to build applications that can automatically execute trades based on market conditions.
    • Analyze historical market data to identify trends and patterns. For example, BlackRock uses Pulsar to analyze historical stock prices to identify potential investment trends.
  • State Street: State Street is a global financial services company with over $3.8 trillion in assets under custody. State Street is using Pulsar to:
    • Track customer behavior to identify trends and patterns. For example, State Street uses Pulsar to track customer trading activity to identify potential fraud or money laundering activity.
    • Build personalized experiences for customers. For example, State Street uses Pulsar to build applications that can recommend products and services to customers based on their past behavior.
    • Improve fraud detection. For example, State Street uses Pulsar to build applications that can identify suspicious trading activity.
  • Goldman Sachs: Goldman Sachs is a global investment bank with over $1.2 trillion in assets under management. Goldman Sachs is using Pulsar to:
    • Process real-time trading data to improve risk management. For example, Goldman Sachs uses Pulsar to process trading data to identify potential risks, such as market volatility or liquidity issues.
    • Build event-driven applications to respond to market changes in real time. For example, Goldman Sachs uses Pulsar to build applications that can automatically hedge against risk.
    • Analyze historical trading data to identify trends and patterns. For example, Goldman Sachs uses Pulsar to analyze historical trading data to identify potential trading strategies.
  • Bank of America: Bank of America is a global banking and financial services company with over $2.4 trillion in assets. Bank of America is using Pulsar to:
    • Process real-time financial data, such as stock prices and trading volumes, to make better investment decisions. For example, Bank of America uses Pulsar to process real-time financial data to identify potential investment opportunities.
    • Identify market trends and patterns. For example, Bank of America uses Pulsar to analyze real-time financial data to identify potential market trends.
    • Build personalized experiences for customers. For example, Bank of America uses Pulsar to build applications that can recommend products and services to customers based on their past behavior.
  • JPMorgan Chase: JPMorgan Chase is a global investment bank and financial services company with over $4.0 trillion in assets. JPMorgan Chase is using Pulsar to:
    • Stream live video and audio content to create personalized experiences for customers. For example, JPMorgan Chase uses Pulsar to stream live video of market data to customers so they can make better investment decisions.
    • Generate new revenue streams. For example, JPMorgan Chase uses Pulsar to sell access to its real-time financial data to other financial institutions.
    • Improve fraud detection. For example, JPMorgan Chase uses Pulsar to build applications that can identify suspicious activity in live video streams.
  • Citigroup: Citigroup is a global banking and financial services company with over $1.8 trillion in assets. Citigroup is using Pulsar to:
    • Track customer behavior to identify trends and patterns. For example, Citigroup uses Pulsar to track customer login activity to identify potential fraud or security breaches.
    • Improve the customer experience. For example, Citigroup uses Pulsar to build applications that can automatically resolve customer issues.
    • Increase sales. For example, Citigroup uses Pulsar to build applications that can track customer interest in products and services and automatically recommend them to customers.


Apache Pulsar is a powerful streaming platform that can be used by financial services companies to improve customer experience, increase sales, reduce risk, and improve compliance.

If you are an enterprise in the US financial services industry, you should consider using Apache Pulsar to improve your operations and to drive improved business outcomes.

Check out Pandio’s managed Pulsar as a service to learn more about how you can use Pulsar to power your financial services applications.

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