
Why Use a Managed Service for Distributed Messaging? When you’re running a business, it’s quite easy to succumb to all the pressure, as there are simply too many things that require your attention. Aside from the mandatory, everyday business communication, there are other aspects to worry about, such as maintaining your servers or collaboration among […]

Managed Apache Pulsar vs Managed Apache Kafka You’ve probably done some research and narrowed down your options regarding Managed Apache Pulsar vs Managed Apache Kafka. Choosing which messaging and queuing system to use is not an easy decision to make. Each of these systems ships out with unique architecture and features and performs differently under […]

The Five Most Relevant IoT Use Cases in Financial Services for 2021 Let’s explore the most relevant IoT use cases in financial services in 2021. There are now more than 30 billion IoT devices streaming data to machine learning, BI and analytics apps. Much of this activity originates in financial transactions like account transaction logs, […]

Why a Managed Service Might Make Sense for your Distributed Messaging Instant and distributed messaging is taking the world by storm. Like with social media apps, more and more companies are using distributed messaging solutions to streamline their communications. Messaging apps like Viber, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp have already gathered more than 6 billion […]

Kubernetes – What It Is and Why It’s Critical for a Performant Distributed Messaging System Kubernetes and distributed messaging systems go hand in hand. It’s hardly imaginable to see a distributed messaging platform able to meet the performance requirements nowadays without the use of Kubernetes. Building cloud-native environments without properly distributing and allocating storage and […]

Episode III: Distributed Messaging Systems in Autonomous Vehicles In the last article, we evaluated Kalman filters as a tool to reduce the flood of sensor data and mollify data disparity to generate an accurate depiction of the autonomous vehicle’s (AV) environment. Likewise, we surveyed perception based machine learning algorithms that drive the decision making processes […]

Pulsar and Spark: The Future of Distributed Computing & AI Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer many benefits to businesses across verticals. They can automate repetitive processes, enable people in key positions to make smart and data-driven decisions, and minimize operational costs. However, many of the available technologies come with several limitations and […]